A shocking incident unfolded in Madhya Pradesh's Indore on Tuesday, September 10, when a drunk driver assaulted a police sub-inspector (SI) and ripped his uniform after being stopped for driving under the influence. The altercation, captured on video and now viral on social media, shows the aggressive youth physically attacking the SI before fleeing the scene as two other officers intervened. Following the incident, the accused was arrested for drunk driving and assaulting a police officer. Authorities have now launched a probe into the matter after the footage went viral. Madhya Pradesh Shocker: Woman’s Body Cut Into Two Pieces and Stuffed in Bags Found in Train in Indore.
Drunk Driver Assaults Cop, Rips Uniform in Indore
देश के सबसे साफ शहर इंदौर में खाकी का "इकबाल" देखिये, शराब के नश में एसआई ने गाड़ी चलाने पर रोका पहले बहस हुई फिर वर्दी फाड़ दी गई... pic.twitter.com/9aynZAEk6k
— Anurag Dwary (@Anurag_Dwary) September 10, 2024
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