In an unfortunate incident, a man from Hyderabad allegedly drowned to his death in Canada on Sunday, September 15. The deceased man from Telangana's Hyderabad has been identified as Praneeth. According to news agency ANI, the alleged incident occurred when Praneeth was celebrating his birthday with his brother and friends. Praneeth's father, Ravi, has appealed to the State and central government for assistance in retrieving his son's body. Indian Student Dies in Canada: 25-Year-Old From Hyderabad Dies of Cardiac Arrest in Ontario, Family Urges EAM Jaishankar for Help.
Hyderabad Man Dies in Canada
Telangana | A man from Hyderabad, identified as Praneeth, drowned to his death in Canada on Sunday, 15th September. The incident occurred when he was celebrating his birthday with his brother and friends.
His father, Ravi appealed to the State and central government for…
— ANI (@ANI) September 16, 2024
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