In an unfortunate incident that took place in Tamil Nadu, an Indian Army jawan's wife was allegedly "stripped half-naked and brutally beaten" by a group of people in Tiruvannamalai. After the incident came to light, the Northern Command of the Army took to social media to issue a statement. The Army said that the soldier in uniform gave a statement fearing for the safety of his family. The Army further said that they have contacted the police authorities who have assured all help in the post-investigation. It further stated that one of the accused has been arrested while a manhunt has been launched to nab others. "The #IndianArmy accords high priority to well being of families who stay away from the soldiers deployed in field areas," the Army said. Earlier, a video shared on Twitter by a retired Army officer, Lt Col N Thiagarajan showed the jawan, identified as Prabhakaran, alleging that his wife, who runs a shop in the village, was beaten and stripped by a group of over 120 people. Indian Army Soldier's Wife Allegedly Stripped Half-Naked, Mercilessly Thrashed in Tamil Nadu's Tiruvannamalai, Jawan Seeks Help (Watch Video).
Army Issues Statement After Jawan Seeks Help
An Indian Army soldier in uniform gave a statement fearing for the safety of his family. Army has already contacted the #Police authorities who have assured all help post investigation.
One of the accused has already been arrested. Action is at hand to arrest others. The…
— NORTHERN COMMAND - INDIAN ARMY (@NorthernComd_IA) June 11, 2023
Jawan Seeks Help
— Lt Col N Thiagarajan Veteran (@NTR_NationFirst) June 10, 2023
Wife Striped Half-Naked, Alleges Jawan
"My wife is stripped half-naked and beaten very badly." In what world is this just? This is the pathetic condition of an army soldier on duty in Kashmir kneeling down to save his wife in Tamilnadu @CMOTamilnadu
— Lt Col N Thiagarajan Veteran (@NTR_NationFirst) June 10, 2023
'Incident Exaggerated,' Say Police:
Tamil Nadu | "This was a dispute over a leased shop on land which is owned by Renugambal temple. The woman namely Keerthi was not attacked at all. Keerthi and her mother were at the spot yesterday when the incident happened. The issue has been exaggerated. A detailed…
— ANI (@ANI) June 11, 2023
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