In a shocking incident that unfolded on the streets of Tamil Nadu, a man who had come to eat in a restaurant with his girlfriend in Tirunelveli was hacked to death by six unknown assailants on a busy road. The horrific incident was caught on a CCTV camera installed in the nearby area. The 24-second video shows the victim, identified as Deepak Raj, desperately trying to flee his attackers by darting through parked cars. The assailants, however, surrounded him, pinned him to the ground, and relentlessly struck him with what appeared to be sickles at least 12 times. His girlfriend witnessed the entire incident and broke down in tears. The local police promptly reached the spot and launched an investigation. As per the preliminary probe, Deepak Raja was already involved in various cases, including murder. Authorities are now probing whether his killing was an act of revenge. Further details regarding the matter are awaited. Telangana Shocker: Jilted Lover Hacks Girlfriend To Death for Rejecting Marriage Proposal in Busy Road in Khanapur, Accused Absconding; Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Incident Caught on Camera:

Man Hacked To Death on Busy Street:

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