Hours after torrential rain lashed Mumbai and its suburbs, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a red alert for the city on Thursday, July 25. Issuing a red alert, the IMD has predicted extremely heavy rainfall in Mumbai till tomorrow morning. However, the IMD issuing a red alert in the middle of the day did not go well with netizens who took a dig as weather forecasting agency. Taking a swipe, an X user said the IMD finally used its "Bramhastra" hoping it would stop the rain. Other users also said the downpour would now stop as the IMD has issued a red alert. "Issued red alert to stop Raining" another commented. Netizens also flooded X with funny memes and jokes, making fun of the IMD and its red alert for Mumbai. Mumbai Rains Viral Videos: Netizens Flood X With Images, Videos and Concerned Prayer Posts for Mumbaikars' Safety Amid Heavy Rains Lashing the City.

IMD Issues Red Alert for Mumbai

Red Alert Means Rain Would Stop?

Red Alert Is a 'Bramhastra'

'Now Rain Will Stop'

X Flooded With Funny Memes and Jokes

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