A Telangana police official sustained injuries from flying debris during an anti-encroachment operation in Hyderabad. The drive, aimed at demolishing an illegal multi-storey structure in the Kondapur sub-division, turned hazardous when a stone struck the officer. The officer, who was on-site to ensure law and order, was recording the demolition when the incident occurred. A video of the event shows the officer being hit by the stone. He was promptly taken to a hospital for treatment. Local authorities confirmed the officer’s involvement in maintaining peace during the operation. Hyderabad Shocker: Woman Jumps to Death With Daughter From 18th Floor of Building in Cyberabad’s Narsingi, Investigations Underway.
Flying Rock Knocks Out Telangana Cop Watching Demolition Drive
He moves 2 inches to get a clear picture for his mobile 📱 and done ✔️ pic.twitter.com/gor5Fy5xjt
— Swathi Bellam (@BellamSwathi) September 30, 2024
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