In a disturbing incident in Telangana, a college-going girl was allegedly crushed to death while she was trying to get down from a moving bus in Hyderabad. The incident caught on camera has also gone viral on social media. The deceased girl has been identified as Mehreen, a class 10 student at Masters Junior College in Yousufguda. The 23-second CCTV footage shows Mehreen trying to get down from the moving bus as the vehicle takes a turn. As the video moves forward, Mehreen is seen stepping down when she falls down and comes under the bus. Soon after she came under the bus, Mehreen was crushed to death by the front and rear wheels of the vehicle. When the bus stopped, people rushed to her aid and alerted the police, who took her to a nearby hospital. However, Mehreen succumbed to her injuries. Murder Caught on Camera in Hyderabad: Man Chased, Thrashed and Stabbed to Death on Busy Road; Disturbing CCTV Video Surfaces.
College Student Crushed to Death in Hyderabad
సీసీటీవీ ఫుటేజ్
మధుర నగర్ పోలీస్ స్టేషన్ పరిధిలో రోడ్డు ప్రమాదం
ఆర్టీసీ బస్ చక్రాల క్రింద పడి ఓ విద్యార్థిని దుర్మరణం.
యూసఫ్ గూడాలో ఉన్న మాస్టర్స్ కాలేజీలో ఇంటర్మీడియట్ మొదటి సంవత్సరం చదువుతున్న మెహరీన్ అనే విద్యార్థిని మృతి
— Telugu Scribe (@TeluguScribe) June 14, 2024
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