The Chhattisgarh High Court recently said that a husband abusing his wife, who is a teacher, in filthy language in front of her students amounts to mental cruelty. The court also said that such abuse would not only tarnish her image in society but also amount to mental cruelty under the Hindu Marriage Act. The division bench of Justices Goutam Bhaduri and Deepak Kumar Tiwari observed while allowing a plea by a woman who sought divorce from her husband on the grounds of cruelty. The court allowed the plea while hearing an appeal filed by the woman who challenged a November 2021 judgment by a Family Court in Raipur that dismissed her plea for divorce. HC on Husband’s Conduct: Chhattisgarh High Court Says Wife Doubting Her Husband for Frequently Coming Home Late is Not Cruelty.

HC on Wife Abuse

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