On Monday, the Bombay High Court directed the Deputy Commissioner of Police to "look into the conduct" of a Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) who sent a Facebook friend request to a woman complainant at midnight. The high court bench of Justice Revati Mohite Dere and Justice Neela Gokhale also expressed displeasure over the PSI’s actions. "How can you send a friend request to a woman, who is a complainant in a case you are investigating?" the bench asked. In his defence, the PSI claimed the friend request was sent "by mistake", however, the court emphasised that such conduct was unacceptable. "A police officer has no business sending such a request to a complainant. We cannot tolerate this," the bench added. HC on Outraging Modesty of Woman: Bombay High Court Quashes FIR Registered Against Lawyer for His Arguments in Court About Woman’s Character.

PSI Claims Friend Request Was Sent "By Mistake"

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