Hevay rainfall continued to batter Himachal Pradesh thereby causing waterlogging and flash floods in several areas. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Saturday issued a red alert for seven districts of the state for the next 48 hours. Amid all of this, a video of rain-hit Mandi is going viral on social media. The 35-second video clip shows water flowing over the bridge due to an increase in the water level of the Beas River. Meanwhile, the Beas River is in a spate amid continuous heavy rainfall in the Mandi and Kullu districts of the state. The traffic movement on National Highway 3 from Mandi towards Kullu has also been restricted due to landslides. Himachal Pradesh Weather Forecast: IMD Issues Red Alert for Seven Districts Over Next 48 Hours; Alert Issued for Flash Floods and Landslides in State.
Water Flows Over Bridge in Mandi
Water started flowing over the bridge due to increase in the water level of Beas river in #Mandi. pic.twitter.com/t5bwYgF12D
— Nikhil Choudhary (@NikhilCh_) July 9, 2023
Beas River in Spate Amid Continuous Heavy Rainfall
#WATCH | Beas River in spate amid continuous heavy rainfall in Mandi and Kullu of Himachal Pradesh
Traffic movement is restricted on National Highway 3 from Mandi towards Kullu due to landslides pic.twitter.com/WGHoHfVbiN
— ANI (@ANI) July 9, 2023
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