A thief stole a parked ambulance from a hospital in Hayathnagar, Telangana, triggering a two-hour high-speed police chase on the Hyderabad-Vijayawada Highway on Saturday morning. The thief injured an assistant sub-inspector while recklessly driving through a toll plaza. Despite police using lorries to block the road, the thief evaded capture until losing control of the ambulance at Suryapet. The vehicle went off the road after hitting another driver, leading to the thief’s arrest. Rachakonda police had been alerted through Dial-100 by hospital staff after the thief fled, blaring the ambulance’s siren. A video of the chase went viral, showcasing the thief’s zigzag driving. The accused is now in custody and being interrogated. Andhra Pradesh Shocker: Founder of ‘Indian Army Calling’ Coaching Institute Brutally Thrashes Student With Belt; Probe Ordered After Disturbing Video Goes Viral.
Thief Steals Ambulance, Caught After High-Speed Chase in Telangana
Ambulance Heist: Thief Turns Emergency Vehicle Into Getaway Car on Wild Highway Chase
In a jaw-dropping turn of events, a thief hijacked a 108 ambulance in Hayatnagar and turned it into a getaway vehicle, leading the police on a cinematic high-speed chase along the… pic.twitter.com/shkmegQFSf
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) December 7, 2024
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