On Monday, December 4, the Delhi High Court said that the court cannot control the internet in a borderless world. While hearing a plea against deepfakes, the court observed and expressed reservations over whether it could issue any directions to prevent using "deepfake" content generated through artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The bench of acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Mini Pushkarna was considering a public interest litigation (PIL) petition filed by a lawyer, advocate Chaitanya Rohilla, who sought to block access to websites that generated deepfakes. India Mulling Over Regulations to Tame Deepfakes' Spread and Other Harm That AI Can Bring: Union IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnav.
HC on Deepfakes
Court cannot control internet in borderless world: Delhi High Court on plea against Deepfakes
report by @sofiahsan https://t.co/5B82U13Aop
— Bar & Bench (@barandbench) December 4, 2023
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