In a shocking incident in Hathras district, a class-2 student named Kritarth was reportedly sacrificed in a black magic ritual. The school manager, Dinesh Baghel, along with four staff members, namely, Ramprakash Solanki, Jasodhan Singh, Laxman Singh, and Veerpal Singh, were arrested in connection with this horrific crime on Thursday, September 26. Authorities revealed that Baghel, who practices black magic, believed the sacrifice would bring prosperity to the school. Bijnor Shocker: 85-Year-Old Man’s Body Exhumed, Skull Removed From Grave in Uttar Pradesh; Police Launch Probe Into Suspected ‘Black Magic’ Case.
Class 2 Student Sacrificed for Black Magic Ritual in Hathras
यूपी : जिला हाथरस में DL पब्लिक स्कूल के कक्षा-2 के छात्र कृतार्थ की हत्या कर दी गई। इस केस में स्कूल मैनेजर दिनेश बघेल, रामप्रकाश सोलंकी, जसोधन सिंह, लक्ष्मण सिंह और वीरपाल सिंह पकड़े गए हैं।
स्कूल मैनेजर तंत्र-मंत्र करता है। उसे भरोसा था कि बलि देकर स्कूल तरक्की करेगा।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) September 27, 2024
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