In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh, a violent clash erupted between two groups in Greater Noida over a noise dispute. A journalist who shared the video on X (formerly Twitter) said that the clash erupted between two groups at Meenakshi Apartment in Greater Noida. The viral clip shows the groups allegedly assaulting each other with sticks and batons. As the video moves further, one man is seen threatening the other group by holding a sword in his hand. Amid all of this, other residents alerted the police, who quickly reached the spot and provided medical attention to the injured. Post this, they arrested one person in connection with the incident. Meanwhile, the police have launched an investigating to know the cause of the brawl and take necessary action. After the incident, cops said that the brawl was related to a dispute between two parties over making noise.┬аGreater Noida Shocker: Man Pulls Woman by Hair, Slaps Her in Parking Lot of Omaxe Palm Green Society, Arrested After Video Goes Viral.

Violent Fight Breaks Out Between 2 Groups in Greater Noida (Trigger Warning)

Police Says Incident Is Related to a Dispute Between Two Parties Over Making Noise

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