In a shocking incident that took place in Maharahstra, a student was allegedly attacked with a machete in Pune. A video of the alleged attack has gone viral on social media. The 59-second video clip shows a youth allegedly stopping a scooter and then wielding the machete on the motorist and the girl who is seen riding a pillion. According to a report in the Lokmat.News18, the youth attacked the MPSC student as he was in love with her. The incident is said to have taken place in Pune's Sadashiv Peth area. After the incident came to light, the police detained the youth. The young woman, an MPSC student is said to have been injured in the said attack. The report also claimed that the student was being harassed by the youth for many days. The accused is also said to have threatened the girl. While the girl was being attacked, people rushed to her aid and were seen trying to stop the alleged attack. ‘Koyta Gang’ Unleashes Terror in Pune Again, Attacks Medical Shop Staff; CCTV Video Captures Crime.
MPSC Student Attacked in Pune
पुण्यात MPSC विद्यार्थिनीवर भररस्त्यात कोयत्याने हल्ला...धक्कादायक Video आला समोर
— News18Lokmat (@News18lokmat) June 27, 2023
People Rush To Protect Girl From Attacker
Dear Delhites,
Learn from Punekars. When a girl is attacked by anybody, instead of ignoring it, you need to jump in and protect her.
~Sakshi 😭🙏🏻
— Paise Wala (@AmirLadka) June 27, 2023
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