A CCTV video went viral on social media which shows a ‘ghost’ suddenly appearing out of nowhere in a narrow lane in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh. The 28-second video has a figure wearing white clothes . It suddenly appears at the 11-second mark. The ghostly entity then walks into the narrow lane of the town. But, it vanished after few seconds in the blink of an eye. Though people were in panic after seeing the video, Twitter user @Benarasiyaa who is a journalist took to social media to share the truth. The ‘ghost’ actually is a woman who goes out of her house early morning to fetch water from tap and not a ghost as was claimed on social media. She also said that as she is a widow she is being condemned. Ghost Caught on CCTV Camera in Aligarh? Viral Video on 'Aatma' Suddenly Appearing in Narrow Lane of UP Town Creates Panic.
Truth Behind Ghost Video:
A viral video of a woman being claimed to be a ghost had surfaced on social media. The "ghost" woman has been traced and she spoke to the local media in UP's Aligarh. She said she steps out of her house early every morning to fetch water from tap. pic.twitter.com/MPxhJA1xyG
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) January 28, 2023
Here’s the Video That Went Viral:
The viral video. pic.twitter.com/IaIvn5HlDo
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) January 28, 2023
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