In a heart-wrenching incident, a four-year-old girl drowned while bathing in the Ganga River in Ghazipur. Shockingly, a video of the incident has surfaced, showing the child’s aunt filming at the time, unaware of the tragedy unfolding before her eyes. Eyewitnesses reported that while other bathers nearby failed to notice the girl struggling, the aunt continued recording without realizing the danger the child was in. The lack of immediate response led to the tragic loss of the young girl. This incident serves as a grim reminder of the need for constant vigilance when children are near water bodies. Authorities are urging the public to remain cautious and attentive during such activities to prevent similar tragedies. Ghazipur Rape Victim Recalls Horror, Says Was Forcefully Taken to Madrasa.

4-Year-Old Girl Dies After Drowning in Ganga River

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