In a recently surfaced video, a police official was seen mercilessly thrashing an e-rickshaw driver and dragging him by hair in the middle of the road amid traffic in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad. According to reports, inspector Bhanu Prakash had beaten up 14-year-old Sohail, a rickshaw driver in the city over an argument. The cop has reportedly made news related to hooliganism in the public earlier as well. After the video went viral on social media, the Ghaziabad police’s official X handle informed that it has taken cognizance of the matter. “ACP Wave City has been directed to investigate and take legal action”, read a recent tweet by them. Ghaziabad Police Brutality Video: Constable Suspended After Clip of Him Thrashing Man Mercilessly On Road Surfaces Online.

Ghaziabad Cop Mercilessly Thrashes E-Rickshaw Driver, Police Takes Action 

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