Tensions flared in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad when a group of Kanwariyas vandalised a police jeep driven by Avneesh Tyagi. The incident occurred on July 29 when Tyagi’s van allegedly entered a lane designated exclusively for Kanwariyas and collided with a few Kanwariyas. Angered by the intrusion, the Kanwariyas severely damaged the Bolero SUV. According to a police video statement, officials promptly arrived at the scene and managed to resolve the situation. Meanwhile, the police detained the assaulted driver and confiscated the vehicle involved in the incident. Uttar Pradesh: Kanwariyas Allegedly Vandalise Dhaba After Being Served Food With Onion and Garlic in It in Muzaffarnagar (Watch Video).

Kanwariyas Vandalise Police Jeep After It Enters Reserved Lane

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