A couple in Hyderabad was arrested for stealing over 1,000 pairs of footwear from nearly 100 houses in Vasavi Nagar, Ramantapur, and neighbouring areas. The theft spree came to light when a resident, Mallesh Renuka, reported missing shoes. Local residents kept watch for four days and caught the thief in the act, handing him over to the Uppal police. During interrogation, police discovered the couple had been selling the stolen footwear at weekly markets in Erragadda and Borabanda for INR 100-200 per pair. The wife, also involved, allegedly created a ruckus during questioning. Police suspect the duo of carrying out similar thefts in Sri Nagar Colony and Bharat Nagar. Investigations are ongoing to uncover the extent of their operations and recover the stolen footwear. High-Speed Chase on Hyderabad-Vijaywada Highway: Thief Steals Ambulance in Telangana, Caught After 2-Hour Long Police Chase; Video Goes Viral.

Footwear Theft in Hyderabad 

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