In a video that has gone viral on social media, two group of young girls can be seen fighting with each other while playing garba during Navratri celebrations. The alleged incident took place in Maharashtra's Nashik. In the 28-second video clip, two girls can be seen fighting and pulling each other's hair as onlookers at the garba event in Nashik's Igatpuri watch the fight. However, the video is going viral for the wrong reasons. Video: Two Groups Clash Over Girls’ Dance at Garba Venue in MP’s Agar Malwa, 4 Hospitalised.

Brawl Between Two Groups of Young Women

The video is not from Maharashtra's Nashik but an old video which is being shared as a garba fight in Maharashtra. A thorough search led us to the old video in which the two group of young girls can be seen fighting at a fair in Jharkhan's daltonganj.

Old Video of Girls Fighting at a Mela in Jharkhand

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