In a disturbing incident in Gurugram, a man has been caught on camera repeatedly molesting a young stray dog by touching its private parts. The incident, captured in a compilation of several clips shared by the Animal Body Street Dogs of Bombay, reportedly took place at Plot Number 124, Ground Floor, A Block, Vipul World, in front of Euro International School, Sector 48, Sohna Road. According to the report, the man has allegedly been abusing the dog for several months. However, authorities are facing challenges in initiating legal proceedings as current laws under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) do not explicitly cover animal cruelty cases. Animal Cruelty in Gurugram: Dog Walker Repeatedly Hits Golden Retriever Pet Dog Inside Elevator, Gets Sacked After Disturbing CCTV Video Surfaces.
Video Shows Man Molesting Dog in Gurugram (Trigger Warning)
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