A horrific hit-and-run video has been caught on CCTV in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut. In the video, the car driver mowed down a youngster on foot and ran over the car on the young man. The car driver did not stop after hitting the youngster the driver escaped by crushing the man under the front and rear wheels. The victim is admitted to the hospital in critical condition. UP Police said that "necessary legal action is being taken by registering the unknown car driver under relevant sections at the Nauchandi police station in connection with the incident of a car driver hitting and injuring a young man on foot under Nauchandi police station." Meerut Police further said that "after the treatment of the injured person, the relatives took him home." Also Read | Disturbing Video: Youths on Bike Come Under Truck Tyre After Man Opens Car’s Door Suddenly, Bengaluru Police Share CCTV Footage With Important Message.

Meerut Police's Reply Over Accident Caught on CCTV Camera

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