After the BJP-led Mahayuti Alliance’s historic victory in the 2024 Maharashtra Assembly elections, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and BJP state chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule celebrated by preparing jalebi. A video of Fadnavis making the sweet treat has surfaced online, symbolising the party’s sweet success. The Mahayuti Alliance secured an overwhelming 235 out of 288 seats, with the BJP alone winning 133. The victory marks a decisive mandate for the alliance, which includes the Shiv Sena (Shinde faction) and the NCP (Ajit Pawar faction). Party leaders and supporters hailed the win as a reflection of their developmental policies and leadership. ‘Development Wins!’: PM Narendra Modi Thanks Maharashtra for Historic Mandate to NDA in Assembly Elections 2024.

Devendra Fadnavis Prepares Jalebi

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