Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday, October 3, met an eight-year-old boy, who survived the brutal killings in Deoria, at the BRD Medical College in Gorakhpur. The boy is in a critical condition and undergoing treatment. CM Yogi Adityanath spoke to doctors and inquired about his health condition. A mob killed five members of the boy's family on October 2 over a long-standing property dispute. The Chief Minister also visited patients suffering from dengue at the hospital. Deoria Killings: Family Attacked Over Land Dispute in Uttar Pradesh District, Six Including an 'Attacker' Dead; Disturbing Videos Surface.
UP CM Paid Visit To BRD Hospital:
#WATCH | Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath meets the dengue and malaria patients admitted at BRD Medical College in Gorakhpur; also meets the boy injured in the Deoria incident yesterday. pic.twitter.com/QumhL0bBtN
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) October 3, 2023
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