On Thursday, the Delhi Traffic Police took to social media to update citizens about traffic restrictions and diversions in the city. In its post, the Delhi Traffic Police requested people to avoid Akbar Road, Teen Murti Marg, R/A Teen Murti, R/A Kautilya Marg, Sardar Patel Marg, Dhaula Kuan Flyover, and Gurgaon Road from 6:15 pm to 6:45 pm due to special traffic arrangements.
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Traffic Alert
Kindly avoid Akbar Road, Teen Murti Marg, R/A Teen Murti, R/A Kautilya Marg, Sardar Patel Marg, Dhaula Kuan Flyover and Gurgaon Road from 1815 hrs to 1845 hrs due to special traffic arrangements.
— Delhi Traffic Police (@dtptraffic) September 15, 2022
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