In an unfortunate incident, ASI Shambhu Dayal posted at Mayapuri police station in Delhi passed away today, January 8. The Delhi police took to Twitter to pay tributes to ASI Shambhu Dayal. As per Delhi police's post, ASI Shambhu Dayal, who was posted at Mayapuri police station was seriously injured after being attacked with a knife while catching a snatcher on January 4. Following the incident, he was undergoing treatment at a hospital. However, he breathed his last today. "Today he was martyred while undergoing treatment at BLK Hospital. We are proud of the courage and devotion to duty of our brave officer. Heartfelt tribute to him," the Delhi police said. Delhi Traffic Update: Police Issue Advisory in View of Flyover Construction Work Between Ashram Chowk and Kilokri Village; Check Details Here.

Check Delhi Police's Tweet:

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