In a unique and spirited event, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla was seen batting as took to the field as part of a friendly cricket match between parliamentarians at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in Delhi on December 15. The 20-over game, named the "TB Mukt Bharat Awareness Cricket Match," aims to raise awareness about India's mission to eradicate tuberculosis (TB). The match, which began at 9:00 AM, saw Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur leading the Lok Sabha Speaker XI and Union Minister Kiren Rijiju captaining the Rajya Sabha Chairman XI. Rahul Gandhi Meets Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla With Request To Expunge Remarks Against Him, Ensure House Functions (Watch Video).

Om Birla Bats in TB Awareness Cricket Match at Major Dhyan Chand Stadium

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