Delhi Chief Minister and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday quoted Shah Rukh Khan's famous monologue from Jawan while interacting with the media in Punjab. Arvind Kejriwal said that in Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan urged citizens to vote without being influenced by religious or caste considerations. "In the movie 'Jawan', Shah Rukh Khan says votes should not be given on the basis of religion and caste, instead ask them if they would give good education & medical care," he said. The AAP leader also said that only AAP asks for votes on the promise of providing education to children. Jawan Impact! Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Quotes Shah Rukh Khan’s Famous Monologue, Asks People to Vote Not on Religion or Caste Basis (Watch Video).
Arvind Kejriwal Talks About Social Issues Raised in Jawan
#WATCH | AAP CM Arvind Kejriwal says, "In the movie 'Jawan', Shah Rukh Khan says votes should not be given on the basis of religion and caste, instead ask them if they would give good education & medical care...Only AAP asks for votes on the promise of providing education to…
— ANI (@ANI) September 13, 2023
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