The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday announced its candidates for the upcoming Gujarat Assembly Elections 2022. CM Bhupendra Patel will contest the elections from the Ghatlodiya constituency. Former Congress leader Hardik Patel has been fielded as a BJP candidate from the Viramgam constituency. The BJP fielded Kantilal Amrutya, a former MLA from Morbi, who reportedly jumped into the river to save people after the collapse of a bridge, which killed more than 130 people. The Gujarat election will be held in two phases on December 1 and 5. The votes will be counted on December 8 along with Himachal Pradesh that votes on November 12. Gujarat Assembly Elections Results 2022 Predictions by Satta Bazaar: BJP To Retain Power, Congress and AAP Far Behind, As per Matka Players
BJP Candidates For Gujarat Elections 2022:
Delhi | BJP announces the list of its candidates for #GujaratAssemblyPolls , CM Bhupendra Patel to contest the elections from Ghatlodiya constituency.
— ANI (@ANI) November 10, 2022
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