A shocking incident emerged in Dehradun when a hidden camera was discovered inside the women’s washroom of Anandam restaurant. Vinod Kumar, 25, a cleaner at the restaurant, was arrested on Thursday night for allegedly filming women using his mobile phone. Police reported that Kumar had placed his phone upside down on a broken part of the false ceiling, secretly recording the washroom activities. Though the footage was initially deleted, police successfully recovered all video clips from the device. A video showing a woman confronting the restaurant staff over the incident has gone viral on social media. Uttarakhand Women Commission Chairperson Kusum Kandwal visited the site, urging strict action and calling for verification of security measures in all hotels and restaurants. She emphasised the need to ensure proper functioning of CCTV cameras and strict security in women's washrooms across the capital. Bengaluru: Woman Finds Hidden Phone With Camera On at Third Wave Coffee Outlet’s Toilet, Accused Employee Terminated.
Spy Camera in Ladies Washroom of Dehradun Restaurant
Dehradun - Camera Found in Women's Bathroom at Anandam Restaurant.
➡ Chaos erupted after the camera was found.
➡ Incident occurred at Anandam Restaurant on Chakrata Road.
Restaurant employee Vinod has been arrested. pic.twitter.com/L4UcxNd17V
— زماں (@Delhiite_) August 16, 2024
What’s with this fetish of watching woman Pee 🤯
Another pervert arrested for placing secret camera inside ladies washroom at popular restaurant chain Anandum in Dehradun. Woman spotted a hidden camera phone placed inside the false ceiling. She stepped out to inform her family &… pic.twitter.com/GpFMF7gkjp
— Nabila Jamal (@nabilajamal_) August 17, 2024
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