Cyclone Tej, which was expected to hit Mumbai and India, is unlikely to hit the maximum city as per a few X users. Taking to X, a user named Mumbai Rains said that the cyclone tracking was very volatile before the formation as all the radars were saying it wouldn't recurve. The weather enthusiast said that some radars have now shown the chances of the cyclone to recurve. "Now, today's live observation says moderate chances for recurve, and even if it happens, it is unlikely to affect India. Good news," the user tweeted. Another handle named "Weather & Radar India" said that the Arabian Sea poses no threat to India; however, it asked users to keep an eye on the Bay of Bengal. The cyclone is likely to affect Oman or Yemen. The development comes a day after the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) said that the low-pressure area formed over the Arabian Sea is expected to intensify into a Depression by October 21. Cyclone Tej Update: Low-Pressure Area in Arabian Sea Likely to Intensify Into Depression on October 21, Says IMD; Mumbai Remains Alert About Possible Cyclonic Storm.
Cyclone Tej Unlikely To Affect India
The cyclone tracking was very volatile before the formation as all the radars were saying it won't recurve, some showed the chances to recurve, and now today's live observation says moderate chances for recurve, and even if it happens, it is unlikely to affect India. Good news.…
— Mumbai Rains (@rushikesh_agre_) October 20, 2023
Dual Weather Systems in View!
Dual weather systems in view! Arabian Sea poses no threat to India, but keep an eye on the Bay of Bengal.
Stay weather-wise with the Radar. 🌀📲
#WeatherAlert #StayInformed
— Weather & Radar India (@WeatherRadar_IN) October 20, 2023
Cyclone Tej Update
#Invest91A has a #TCFA in the S #ArabianSea,model ensembles like from the #GFS, #ECMWF forecast a track WNW towards the S #ArabianPeninsula incl #Yemen, #Oman; with life threatening #Flooding/#Mudslides very likely#Tropicswx #Wxtwitter #ARB02 #91A #Tej #Cyclone #CycloneTej #JTWC
— LimWx (@LimWeather) October 20, 2023
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