Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday attacked Congress party and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Kamal Nath. Speaking at an event, Shah called Kaman Nath "Corruption Nath." The BJP leader also said that more than 51 poor welfare schemes were closed by this Corruption Nath."CMO became the money collection office. Congress Working Committee became a Corruption Working Committee," Shah said. Home Minister Amit Shah Unveils BJP's 'Aarop Patra' Against Chhattisgarh Government, PM Narendra Modi Says it Exposes Plight of State.
CMO Became the Money Collection Office
#WATCH | Union Home Minister Amit Shah calls former CM & Congress leader Kamal Nath 'Corruption Nath' and says, "More than 51 poor welfare schemes were closed by this Corruption Nath...CMO became the money collection office. Congress Working Committee became a 'Corruption Working… pic.twitter.com/3uA0YGZoPC
— ANI (@ANI) September 5, 2023
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