On January 16, the Bombay High Court invalidated the first information report (FIR) filed against a 20-year-old student who was accused of killing a stray dog while driving his car recklessly. Judges Anuja Prabhudessai and NR Borkar, sitting on a division bench, also mentioned that the young man had given Rs 5,000 to the cause of stray dog care. The Court quashed the FIR, saying that pursuing the matter would be detrimental to his career. Allegedly, the student drove his car carelessly and rashly, damaging some idols that were housed in the complainant's makeshift shed. In this instance, a stray dog also lost its life. Bombay High Court Refuses To Quash FIR Against Man for Cutting Down Tree Sans Permission, Harming Birds.
HC Quashes FIR Against Student Accused of Killing Stray Dog
Bombay High Court quashes FIR against student accused of killing stray dog
Read story here: https://t.co/lTYMGg7G09 pic.twitter.com/zFNjvYxb4h
— Bar & Bench (@barandbench) January 24, 2024
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