A disturbing incident unfolded on Sunday evening on the busy Nallampalayam-Sanganoor Road in Coimbatore when a head constable was seen slapping a youth for crossing the road while using his cell phone. The shocking moment was captured on video and quickly went viral on social media. In the footage, the youth, later identified as Mohanraj from Chinnavedampatti, is seen stunned by the slap and squatting on the road in pain. Mohanraj, who works for a private company in Nallampalayam, was crossing the road when the police head constable, Jayaprakash, approached him and slapped him across the face. The constable, however, was not wearing a helmet at the time of the incident, sparking further outrage online. Coimbatore: Gas Leak After LPG Tanker Overturns on Avinashi Flyover in Tamil Nadu, 5 Schools Closed (Watch Video).

Cop Riding Bike Without Helmet Slaps Youth for Crossing Road While on Phone

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