In a tragic incident that took place in Chhattisgarh’s Raipur, a one-year-old toddler tragically lost her life after falling from her father’s arms while he was climbing an escalator in a shopping mall. The toddler slipped from her father’s grasp while he was climbing the escalator on the third floor, resulting in a fall of 40 feet. The video of the disturbing incident has surfaced on social media. The incident occurred late on Tuesday when a family of four was ascending the escalator at Raipur City Centre Mall. The father was holding the toddler in one hand and another five-year-old child in the other. It appears that he lost his balance while attempting to assist the older child onto the escalator, causing him to lose his grip on the toddler. CCTV footage from the mall, which has since surfaced, shows the heart-wrenching moment of the child’s fall from the third floor. Despite being rushed to the hospital immediately, the toddler was sadly declared dead upon arrival. Telangana Shocker: Ice-Cream Vendor Masturbates, Mixes Semen in Falooda in Warangal, Accused Arrested After Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Toddler Falls to Death in Raipur (Disturbing Video)

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