On Sunday, Harjot Singh Bains, Minister of Education, Punjab took to social media and requested all students of Chandigarh University to remain calm. He said that no one guilty will be spared. The statement by Bains comes after a massive protest broke out at Chandigarh University after someone secretly recorded videos of girls from the hostel bathroom and leaked them online. "It’s a very sensitive matter & relates to dignity of our sisters & daughters." Bains said in his post. "We all including media should be very very cautious,it is also test of ours now as a society," he added. As per reports, the accused female student sent the videos to her friend in Shimla. A video of her interrogation with the warden has also gone viral on social media. Chandigarh University MMS Leak Row: Video of Girl, Who Allegedly Recorded Nudes of Around 60 Students, Being Questioned by Warden Goes Viral.
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I humbly request all the students of Chandigarh University to remain calm, no one guilty will be spared.
It’s a very sensitive matter & relates to dignity of our sisters & daughters.
We all including media should be very very cautious,it is also test of ours now as a society.
— Harjot Singh Bains (@harjotbains) September 18, 2022
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