In a shocking incident on Saturday, Malwinder Singh Sidhu, a retired Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Punjab Police, allegedly shot dead his son-in-law, Harpreet Singh, an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer, at the Chandigarh District Court. Harpreet Singh was attending a hearing related to his ongoing divorce case. According to police sources, Harpreet, who worked in the agriculture department, was present at the court's Mediation Centre. During the proceedings, Sidhu asked to use the bathroom and took Harpreet outside under the pretext of asking for directions. Once outside, he allegedly shot Harpreet twice, causing him to collapse. Bystanders rushed Harpreet to the hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries. The gunfire caused panic within the court premises. Lawyers detained Sidhu and locked him in a room before informing the police. Authorities promptly arrested Sidhu, recovering a .32 bore pistol with four spent and three live bullets. Chandigarh Shocker: Retired Punjab Police AIG Malwinder Singh Sidhu Shoots Dead Son-in-Law at District Court Complex.
Firing Inside Chandigarh Court Complex (Disturbing Video)
चंडीगढ़ जिला कोर्ट में पंजाब पुलिस के पूर्व एआईजी ने अपने दामाद की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी।
दोनों परिवारों के बीच घरेलू विवाद चल रहा था। इसी मामले में दोनों पक्ष शनिवार को चंडीगढ़ फैमिली कोर्ट में पहुंचे थे।
आरोपी की पहचान पूर्व एआईजी मलविंदर सिंह सिद्धू के तौर पर हुई है।…
— Amit Pandey (@amitpandaynews) August 3, 2024
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