In a dramatic turn of events, Chandbabu, the alleged leader of a notorious criminal based in Chaupa village, managed to escape from police custody at the Sambhal District Hospital in Uttar Pradesh on Monday afternoon. The suspect, a resident of Pathakpur village, was initially apprehended by the Bahjoi Kotwali police following an encounter on Sunday morning. Chandbabu was scheduled for an X-ray on Monday, which led to his transfer to the hospital under the supervision of an inspector and two constables. After the X-ray procedure and subsequent dressing, a lapse in vigilance by the accompanying officers allowed the suspect to flee the premises. Cops launched a search operation, but Chandbabu had vanished by then.┬аUttar Pradesh Police Suspend Eight Cops After Three Prisoners Escape From Custody While They Sip Tea in Jhansi, Video Goes Viral.

Chandbabu Escapes Police Custody in Sambhal

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