In a shocking incident, a bull charged through a crowd gathered for Ramlila Fair in Uttar Pradesh's Hapur region on Monday, October 23. Hundreds of people were present at the fair on the occasion of Maha Navmi, the ninth day of the ongoing Navratri festival, to participate in the event. A woman and a child were reportedly left injured in the incident. A video of the incident depicting the raging bull entering the crowded ground during the event and injuring a woman and a child is currently doing rounds on the internet. Bull Attack During Karnataka's Kari Festival Video: Bull Goes on Rampage and Attacks Revellers in Vijayapura, Several Injured; Disturbing Clip Surfaces Online.
Bull Attack in Uttar Pradesh Video
हापुड़ - रामलीला में घुसा आवारा सांड, जमकर मचाया उत्पात सांड के हमले में 1 महिला और 1 बच्चा घायल
— Arjun Chaudharyy (@Arjunpchaudhary) October 23, 2023
HAPUR : रामलीला में घुसा आवारा साँड़
रामलीला मेले में साँड़ ने मंचाया तांडव
आवारा साँड़ ने एक बच्चे सहित महिला पर किया हमला !साँड़ के हमले से रामलीला मेले में मची भगदड़,मेले में साँड़ के तांडव मचाने का वीडियो वायरल,नगर कोतवाली के हापुड रामलीला का घटना! @ndtvindia
— Adnan ( journalist) (@hapurndtv) October 23, 2023
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