In a tragic incident in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly, a 75-year-old man named Krishnanand Pandey was fatally attacked by a stray bull during his morning walk. The incident, which was caught on CCTV, occurred in the Sanjay Nagar area. The footage shows the bull hitting Pandey in the stomach with its horns, causing him to fall to the ground. Despite the efforts of locals who drove the bull away, Pandey succumbed to his injuries. The bull, which had previously injured several others in the area, reportedly died during the rescue operation by authorities. Girl Dies of Suspected Heart Attack in Amroha: Five-Year-Old Dies While Watching Cartoons on Mobile in Uttar Pradesh.
Bull Attack in Bareilly (Warning- Disturbing Video)
#उत्तर_प्रदेश #बरेली के संजय नगर में सुबह मॉर्निंग वॉक पर निकले रिटायर्ड बैंक कर्मचारी को सांड ने जान से मार डाला !!#Bareilly #Bull @bareilly_nn @dmbareilly #viralvideo
— MANOJ SHARMA LUCKNOW UP🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 (@ManojSh28986262) January 24, 2024
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