Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Saturday announced an ex-gratia of Rs 5 lakh to the next of kin of the deceased in the bus accident which took place on Samruddhi Mahamarg expressway in Buldhana. According to news agency ANI, 25 people lost their lives after a bus travelling from Maharashtra's Yavatmal to Pune allegedly caught fire in Buldhana on the Samruddhi Mahamarg Expressway. The driver of the bus, who was among those injured said that the bus overturned after a tyre burst leading to flames in the bus. Samruddhi Mahamarg Expressway Accident: 25 People Charred to Death, Several Injured As Bus Overturns Due to Tyre Burst and Catches Fire on Mumbai-Nagpur Expressway in Maharashtra (See Photos and Video).
Maha CM Shinde Announces Ex Gratia
Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde announces an ex-gratia of Rs 5 lakhs to the next of kin of the deceased in the bus accident on Samruddhi Mahamarg expressway in Buldhana: CMO
— ANI (@ANI) July 1, 2023
25 People Burnt to Death
स्मृद्धि हाईवे पर भीषण हादसा, 25 लोगों की जिंदा जलकर मौत
बस हाईवे के डिवाइडर से टकराकर पलट गई, जिसके बाद बस का डीजल टैंक फट गया और आग लग गई।#Maharashtra #BusAccident
— Kamit Solanki (@KamitSolanki) July 1, 2023
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