In response to the sexual assault charges filed against him, former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa has issued a statement. He recounted that a distressed woman had approached him for help, leading him to personally contact the police commissioner on her behalf. However, the woman later turned against him, prompting him to bring the matter to the attention of the police commissioner. A complaint was subsequently filed against him. Yediyurappa stated that he is awaiting the next steps in the process and refrained from attributing any political motives to the situation saying “i can’t say there is political motive behind this.” This comes after the mother of a 17-year-old girl registered an FIR with the police that the BJP veteran had sexually assaulted the minor. Yediyurappa was later booked under pocso act. BS Yediyurappa Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minor Rape Survivor at His Residence, Booked Under POCSO Act by Bengaluru Police.
BS Yediyurappa on Sex Assault Charges Against Him
Bengaluru | On charges of sexual assault against him, former Karnataka CM BS Yediyurappa says, "A few days ago a woman came to my house. She was crying saying that there was some problem. I asked her what was the matter and I personally called the police commissioner about the…
— ANI (@ANI) March 15, 2024
Karnataka Home Minister Issues Statement on Case Against Former CM
#WATCH | On the case against former CM BS Yediyurappa for allegedly sexually assaulting a minor, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara says, "Last night around 10pm, a lady registered a complaint against BS Yediyurappa. Police have registered the case. Until we know the truth,…
— ANI (@ANI) March 15, 2024
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