The Bombay High Court recently said that asking a woman to clean the house and show the same on a WhatsApp video call to the in-laws is a sadist manner of ill-treatment. The high court made the observation while refusing to quash a First Information Report (FIR) filed under section 498-A against five members of a family. The division bench of Justices Ajay Gadkari and Dr Neela Gokhale were hearing a plea filed by a man named Hardik Shah and his family members, who were booked on a complaint filed by his estranged wife. The woman had alleged that she was subjected to cruelty by the petitioner, his father and three married sisters. The wife also claimed that her three sisters-in-law interfered in the household work while sitting at their homes. HC on Religion: Unfortunate That Everyone Wants to Show That Their Religion and God Are Supreme, Says Bombay High Court.

High Court Refused to Quash Cruelty FIR

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