The Mumbai Police on Friday arrested the accused who allegedly threatened bomb explosions in Mumbai's Andheri and Kurla, and Pune on June 24. During his bomb threat call, the caller had also demanded Rs 2 lakh to stop the attack. The accused identified as Darvesh Sharda Rajbhar alias Rahul (22) was arrested from Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh and brought to Mumbai. Later, he was produced in the court where the court sent him to police custody for 4 days. During the interrogation, the accused told cops that he had committed this act in order to get immediate money due to the poor financial condition of the house. The arrested accused worked as a labourer at different places in Mumbai, officials said. Bomb Blast Threat in Maharashtra: Mumbai Police Receive Call Threatening Explosions in Andheri, Kurla, and Pune on June 24; Caller Demands Rs 2 Lakh to Stop Attack.

Accused Arrested from Uttar Pradesh

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