An actress has accused BJP Saharanpur leader Puneet Tyagi of sexual exploitation, sharing her allegations in a video that has since gone viral. She claims Tyagi manipulated her emotionally, despite already being involved with multiple women. The actress, a single mother, urged Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath and state BJP president Bhupendra Chaudhary to take strict action against Tyagi, including expelling him from the party. Originally from a Muslim family in Nashik, Maharashtra, the actress entered the film industry in 1998 and has appeared in over 250 films. After a brief marriage and subsequent divorce, she returned to Mumbai with her son. She alleges Tyagi gained her trust by sending gifts and getting close to her son before exploiting her. Gwalior Shocker: Engaged Minor Girl Drugs Family by Mixing Sleeping Pills With ‘Aloo Parathas’, Elopes With Boyfriend.
Woman Accuses BJP Leader of Sexual Exploitation
— Saharanpur Police (@saharanpurpol) October 16, 2024
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