Bihar Deputy Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Samrat Choudhary removed his turban in Ayodhya after 22 months. On Wednesday morning, Choudhary took a dip in the Saryu River and symbolically dedicated his turban to Lord Shri Ram, which he had worn for the past 22 months. Following this, his supporters began chanting "Jai Shri Ram" and expressed that Choudhary had reverently dedicated his turban to Lord Shri Ram. Choudhary also offered prayers at the Hanuman Garhi temple in Ayodhya. He had started wearing the turban after Bihar CM Nitish Kumar joined the Mahagathbandhan in 2022, vowing to keep it on until Kumar resigned as Chief Minister. "True that I had pledged to wear the turban until I made Nitish Kumar resign as the Chief Minister. But now that he has switched back to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) after resigning from the I.N.D.I.A bloc, it is time for me to dedicate this turban to the feet of Lord Ram," Choudhary told the media on July 2. Nitish Kumar rejoined the NDA bloc in January this year after developing "differences" with the Mahagathbandhan alliance. Lalu Prasad Yadav First Took Kidney From His Daughter Then Gave Her Ticket: Bihar Deputy CM Samrat Choudhary (Watch Video).
Samrat Choudhary Removes Turban After 22 Months
The Bihar deputy CM had earlier said, "Earlier I had vowed to not remove my turban until Bihar CM Nitish Kumar is removed from his post...On 28th January, Nitish Kumar after breaking up with the INDIA alliance joined us. On that day I said that I would devote my turban to Lord…
— ANI (@ANI) July 3, 2024
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