Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was seen fuming over a library board during his visit to the Banka region on Wednesday. In a recently surfaced video, Kumar can be seen irked over the board of a digital library since the text on it was written in the English language. The latter asked the officials to put up a board with Hindi text over it as it is the language of ‘commoner’. Kumar told the officials, “Most of us completed our education in Hindi, and everybody here can understand it… you people are ruining the importance of Hindi with such acts.” The latter had arrived in Banka to inaugurate the digital library. Video: Nitish Kumar, KCR's Awkward Moment at Patna Press Conference Over 'PM Candidate' Questions.
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar Fumes Over ‘English’ Board of Digital Library
#WATCH | Banka: Reportedly after the board of a digital library was found written in English, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar asked the officials to change it.
He said, "You are ending the importance of the Hindi language. It is our language... Change it (board)..."
CM Nitish Kumar…
— ANI (@ANI) September 27, 2023
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