A heartwarming video going viral on social media shows Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi having lunch at the residence of a party worker in Bhubaneswar. The 1-minute 55-second clip shows Mohan Charan Majhi sitting on the floor and having lunch served at the residence of a party worker. After having lunch, Mohan Charan Majhi said he attended a membership programme in the Ekamra Kshetra under the massive membership drive. "I also had lunch at the house of a Dalit family," he added. Odisha: CM Mohan Charan Majhi-Led Government Approves 12 Industrial Investment Proposals Worth INR 39,271 Crore, Projects To Be Set Up in 8 Districts.

'I Had Lunch at the House of a Dalit Family', Says Odisha CM

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