A rare incident unfolded at the Madhya Pradesh secretariat on Wednesday afternoon when a snake was spotted in the car of IAS officer Raghuraj M R, secretary for technical education and skill development. The snake was seen inside the car’s bonnet, causing drivers and security staff to gather in the parking lot. A snake-catcher was initially called but refused to retrieve the snake from inside the vehicle. Subsequently, a team from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) was brought in and successfully captured the snake after over 30 minutes of effort. Security personnel believed the snake to be poisonous. The officer was provided another car to attend his lunch appointment. It is suspected the snake had been in the vehicle for hours, drawing significant attention from staff and passersby during the rescue operation. Python Seen in Thane's Tulsidham, Vasant Vihar: Panic Grips Locals After Massive Snake Spotted on Tree, Authorities Rescue It (Watch Viral Video).

Snake Found in IAS Officer’s Car at MP Secretariat

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